

schedule of classes的相關標籤

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Video - Islamic School Exam this week . The girls schedule is just too tight that we had to do revision at night on the way to TaeKwanDo class ... We started the girls in many activities when they were just 3 years old . As they grow the classes started to increase too . We try to squeeze the classes here and there adding new classes and continuing the old ones since the girls enjoy all of them . The problem arises when they have additional performances . This month will be tight for Bella . She has dancing performance at School , TaeKwanDo Demo at Kuching , swimming competition coming up , exams just around the corner and all these require extra training . We try not to cut other classes and life goes on just like any other week . So here we are doing some Hafazan activities in the car while going for TaeKwanDo classes last night 8-10 pm . Haha - yang pengsan us parents trying to cope with everything . But kids never get tired . They never do . They always have this super energy if they enjoy what they do . Salam Everyone ... Just sharing ... Love As Always ...

Video - Islamic School Exam this week . The girls ...